Speaking from the heart is what Christine Aday was taught to do by her Elders.
On June 21 she addressed a crowd of First Nations dignitaries, politicians, affordable housing executives and community members. She spoke of how living in her home at 550 Goldstream Avenue has enhanced the quality of life for herself and her family. She noted the beautiful craftsmanship of the building and the incorporation of First Nations’ artwork throughout the interior and exterior of the building.
She spoke of her ancestry and the comfort of living in Aboriginal affordable housing and the cultural connection of living in M’akola compared to other housing.
Her speech was moving and reinforced M’akola’s values and direction.
Bruce Parisian, M’akola president and Kevin Albers, M’akola CEO and presented Christine and her daughter Rose, with a photo and plaque thanking her for her wonderful speech.
“Christine spoke so movingly about her experience at M’akola and we are honoured to have her and her family as a tenants. We are here to help families and provide, safe, affordable housing,” said Kevin. “It’s nice to hear a tenant speak so highly of the work we do, everything we do here at M’akola is for the families we serve.”
M’akola Housing Society is the largest Aboriginal affordable housing provider and developer in the province providing more than 1,600 homes to 5,000 members.