M’akola staff spent the afternoon at Beecher Bay First Nation helping members of the youth drum group make drums. The day was a partnership between Beecher Bay First Nation, FortisBC, Sooke Family Resource Society, M’akola Housing Society and M’akola Development Services.
The Beecher Bay Drum Group has more than 30 members and most didn’t have drums of their own. Now, every child in the group has their own drum. Elders, parents and other members of the Nation also made drums.
When youth learn to make their own drums, they are also taught the respect a drum deserves through Traditional Teachings shared by their Elders.
It is a beautiful thing that these youth could receive drums, so they could participate with pride in their culture; but also that the partners who come out with open hearts, also shared some of the culture of the Beecher Bay.