M’akola CEO, Kevin Albers was awarded a BC Community Achievement Award on April 25 at Government House in Victoria BC. Albers was recognized for his remarkable contributions towards affordable housing for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people across the Province of BC.
“Kevin has dedicated 20 years to stewarding the organization into a powerful force for change. A dedicated leader, Kevin’s creative mentality and depth of knowledge have transformed many lives and communities,” announced Christopher Gaze, OBC, a BC Achievement Foundation Board Director, as Albers received his award.
Albers is the Chief Executive Officer of M’akola Housing Society and M’akola Development Society, overseeing operations of 1,600 affordable homes serving more than 5,000 Indigenous people across British Columbia.
Since Albers became the CEO in 2005, M’akola has tripled the numbers of homes M’akola owns and operates.
“I am truly honoured and humbled to be selected for this award, this has been a true highlight and proud moment in my career,” said Albers. “The work M’akola is doing in both housing operations and development are 100 per cent a team effort.”
Albers’ drive, passion and resourcefulness are key components to creating and developing affordable housing helping to meet growing demands. As a great leader, he knows it’s BC’s most vulnerable residents who are benefitting the most.
Non-profit organizations seek Kevin’s guidance and coaching when they are looking to delve into developing and operating affordable housing of their own. His assistance to others has created thousands of additional homes outside of M’akola’s realm.
Most of Albers’ triumphs extend his daily duties as a CEO and truly reflect the person he is and compassion he carries. This dedication and drive is creating affordable housing opportunities for B.C. residents.
Albers’ work has enhanced the affordable housing market, redefining the way affordable housing is planned, developed and operated within BC.
For more information on the 2018 BC Community Achievement Awards through the British Columbia Achievement Foundation click here.